Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy Days of Fall

Hi All,
Here is a new illustration I did on the weekend - "Happy Days of Fall". I have been wanting to collage a tree illustration since sewing Skyla's tree cushion for her nursery - I got there in the end! The colours are Autumn inspired and it also makes a nice little pair for the "My Little Vintage Girl" print.
Both are now available in my Etsy store along with a few other new prints added over the weekend :D
Hope you like it!

- Happy Days of Fall -


Little Jackrabbits said...

Love it!!! Argh... I need to find some time to do some more illos. Keep up the great work Liz. your Esty store will be over flowing soon! xo

Daniel Cabral said...

inspiring illustrations!! congratulations, really really nice!

The Ink House said...

Thanks you two. I am glad you both like it.
I too hope the Etsy store will be overflowing with illustrations soon, if only I could find the time to get more done xx

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