Sunday, October 31, 2010

Questionaire Meme

I was thrilled to be tagged by lovely Daria Hlazatova of  All Pencils of Mine Are Sugar-plums  to answer her questions!  I had a bit of fun doing this as you will see below :D
1. If you could sing like anyone in the music world, whose voice would you choose?
I would choose Stevie Nicks because she has a beautiful, unique voice and her songs are timeless. She is also a kick ass chick. I love belting out Fleetwood Mac tunes ahhh...
2. What fantastic creature would you like to have by your side? 
Falcor - The Luck Dragon from The Never Ending Story. He remindes me of my old persian cat Wally. He's cute, friendly, fluffy and he can talk. Plus you can ride him. What's not to love :D
3. Is there any book you can read again and again? What is it?
As much as I love reading, I don't really re-read books unless they are DIY or design books. I love books on true crime, biographies, the supernatural or psychic-medium stuff. Give me 20 years and I might come back and re-read some old favs.
4. Is there any historic/cultural event you'd like to witness?
Woodstock.  I would love to see it first hand, experience the atmosphere and the music would have been awesome!
5. What did you want to be when you were a child?
A mortician or a marine bioligist - I grew out of the latter but I still like the idea of working in a morgue or being a coroner. I use to work in Pathology - so I like that kind of thing.
6. Your inspiration comes from...
Inspiration is everywhere...other designers, illustrators and bloggers. I love period architecture, decrepit houses, interiors, gardens, fashion, collectables. Sometimes it the kind of day it is or an interesting documentary I've watched. P.S. Sorry Audrey Kawasaki for defacing (literally) your beautiful painting below.
7. Five things that improve your mood
Easy! Food, sleep, meditation, sun or a funny movie :D
I have tagged these wonderful bloggers:
1. Vilde at Journeys of Dreams
2. Kelly at Property of Kelly
3. Lakhsmita at Illustration Poetry
4. Bee at Little Beehive
5. Moira at Moira Millman
6. Shirley at Shirley's Illustrations
7. Tif at Dottie Angel

to answer these questions:
1. What words best describe you?
2. Do you have a phobia or something that terrifies you?
3. Describe your home decorating style?
4.What your favourite items that you own?
5. If you could go anywhere, where would it be?
6. If you could have dinner with any 4 people in the world (dead or alive) who would they be and why?
7. If you could have one super power what would it be and what would you do with it?

I look forward to seeing your answers on your blogs if you have the time x

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Spring Gardening

Hi Guys! Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. Are any of you gardeners? I am and a little bit obsessive about gardening.
Today I am going to get busy in the garden and what a huge job it is for such a small garden. When we moved in, there was nothing but gravel, bark and a few ugly rocks to look at (I will show you before and after photos once I have finished it). So I am busy trying to get our cottage garden finished before summer comes.
Oh how I pine for lazy summer days... so I can sit in the sun, admired my garden with a yummy cocktail and a good book!
Thanks Bee for your constant gardening advice - we do love chatter about our gardens like a couple of old Granny's but thanks to you I haven't killed anything yet :D

Thursday, October 7, 2010

La Petite Maison...

Hi All!! Last Thursday was the last day our exhibition. I had planned to take some brilliantly creative photos of my framed illustrations before it was packed up, only to arrive and find it had all been taken down 15 minutes before I got there :( Here are some photos and a overall picture of the illustrations I had on display.

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